in front of
the Duomo
in Siena...
Time and space was enough to create loads of anxieties and worries, to give room for growth and a revival of our independent spirits, but not enough to redirect the pulling force of love between Brian and I.
We've had an amazing time traveling through Florence, Siena, Pisa, Prague and now Budapest together. Too many stories to tell and moments to describe for this space right now. But it's been everything we could have hoped for and more.
Today is the 7th and I'll be in my parents car driving home to my parents house in 3 days. It doesn't seem real. But I know there's another side of life waiting for me there. And I feel ready to embrace the realities to come. The joys of family, the rewards of hard work, the adventure of new beginnings, the calm of familiarity.
For a little dose of reality, check out Jen Lemen's blog, and her stories and reflection about her recent trip to Rwanda.
With love,
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